江南风景画手机壁纸 组图

病房里的死亡`Death In The Sick Room

病房里的死亡`Death In The Sick Room

《风景中的麦当娜和孩子》,1496-1499年`Madonna and Child in a Landscape, 1496-1499 by Cima da Conegliano

《风景中的麦当娜和孩子》,1496-1499年`Madonna and Child in a Landscape, 1496-1499 by Cima da Conegliano

《圣母的假设》,1476年`The Assumption of the Virgin, 1476 by Francesco Botticini

《圣母的假设》,1476年`The Assumption of the Virgin, 1476 by Francesco Botticini

基督和伊曼纽斯的朝圣者`Christ and the Pilgrims at Emmaus by Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret

基督和伊曼纽斯的朝圣者`Christ and the Pilgrims at Emmaus by Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret

《通告》,1472-1475年`The Annunciation, 1472-1475 by Leonardo da Vinci

《通告》,1472-1475年`The Annunciation, 1472-1475 by Leonardo da Vinci

卖地毯的`The Carpet Seller by Fabio Fabbi

卖地毯的`The Carpet Seller by Fabio Fabbi

老人的头发`Old Man\’s Tresure

老人的头发`Old Man\’s Tresure

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