秋天少儿风景画 组图

理想化的一位女士肖像,1480年`Idealized Portrait of a Lady, 1480 by Sandro Botticelli

理想化的一位女士肖像,1480年`Idealized Portrait of a Lady, 1480 by Sandro Botticelli

神的灵`Spirit of God by Luis Berrueco

神的灵`Spirit of God by Luis Berrueco

婚礼盛宴丘比特和普赛克`Wedding Feast, Cupid and Psyche by Giulio Romano

婚礼盛宴丘比特和普赛克`Wedding Feast, Cupid and Psyche by Giulio Romano

《俘虏》,1915年`The Captives, 1915 by Evelyn De Morgan

《俘虏》,1915年`The Captives, 1915 by Evelyn De Morgan

阿米达·里纳尔多`Rinaldo Enhance by Armida

阿米达·里纳尔多`Rinaldo Enhance by Armida

圣母的假设`The Assumption of the Virgin by Johann Koerbecke

圣母的假设`The Assumption of the Virgin by Johann Koerbecke

独立一百周年`A Centennial of Independence by Henri Rousseau

独立一百周年`A Centennial of Independence by Henri Rousseau

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