素描风景画圆画 组图

冬季的斯隆教堂景观`View of the Church of Sloten in Winter by Jan Beerstaten

冬季的斯隆教堂景观`View of the Church of Sloten in Winter by Jan Beerstaten

木卫三的绑架`The Abduction of Ganymede by Tuscan Painter

木卫三的绑架`The Abduction of Ganymede by Tuscan Painter

Head of a girl with a half~open mouth (1919)  by Tadeusz Makowski

一个女孩的头部有半张嘴` Head of a girl with a half~open mouth (1919) by Tadeusz Makowski

简·莫里斯肖像`Portrait of Jane Morris by Dante Gabriele Rossetti

简·莫里斯肖像`Portrait of Jane Morris by Dante Gabriele Rossetti

第四庄园,1901年`The Fourth Estate, 1901 by Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo

第四庄园,1901年`The Fourth Estate, 1901 by Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo

雨后`After the Rain by Charles Courtney Curran

雨后`After the Rain by Charles Courtney Curran

梅·萨托里斯肖像`Portrait of May Satoris

梅·萨托里斯肖像`Portrait of May Satoris

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