儿童的我的梦想绘画作品 组图

维珍动物园`The Virgin Zoodochos Pigi by Iconographer Dimitar Zograf from Samoko

维珍动物园`The Virgin Zoodochos Pigi by Iconographer Dimitar Zograf from Samoko

耶稣受难与圣母、圣人弗朗西斯和阿加莎`Crucifix with the Virgin and Saints Francis and Agatha

耶稣受难与圣母、圣人弗朗西斯和阿加莎`Crucifix with the Virgin and Saints Francis and Agatha

穿着舞会礼服的年轻女孩`Young Girl in a Ball Gown

穿着舞会礼服的年轻女孩`Young Girl in a Ball Gown

一个头巾的妇女由Georges Lepape`
Woman in a Turban (1911)  by Georges Lepape

一个头巾的妇女由Georges Lepape` Woman in a Turban (1911) by Georges Lepape

戴手套的女人`Woman with Glove by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

戴手套的女人`Woman with Glove by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

摩尔女人`Moorish Woman by Dario Villares Barbosa

摩尔女人`Moorish Woman by Dario Villares Barbosa

丹麦的维赫敏·玛丽公爵夫人`Vihelmine Marie of Denmark, Duchess

丹麦的维赫敏·玛丽公爵夫人`Vihelmine Marie of Denmark, Duchess

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