苍坡稻田风景画 组图

圣洁的家庭和施洗约翰`The Holy Family with John the Baptist by Francesco Trevisani

圣洁的家庭和施洗约翰`The Holy Family with John the Baptist by Francesco Trevisani

《受难记》,1460年`The Crucifixion, 1460 by Rogier van der Weyden

《受难记》,1460年`The Crucifixion, 1460 by Rogier van der Weyden

Woman Reading (circa 1922)  by Boris Grigoriev

女人读书` Woman Reading (circa 1922) by Boris Grigoriev

卡特琳娜·罗莎·博萨里斯`Katerina Rosa Botsaris by Joseph Karl Stieler

卡特琳娜·罗莎·博萨里斯`Katerina Rosa Botsaris by Joseph Karl Stieler

香槟打印机出版商`Champagne Printer Publisher

香槟打印机出版商`Champagne Printer Publisher

保罗·埃斯库迪尔夫人,路易丝·莱弗尔`Madame Paul Escudier, Louise Lefevre by John Singer Sargent

保罗·埃斯库迪尔夫人,路易丝·莱弗尔`Madame Paul Escudier, Louise Lefevre by John Singer Sargent

理查三世与鬼魂`Richard III and the Ghosts by William Blake

理查三世与鬼魂`Richard III and the Ghosts by William Blake

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