砂纸风景画 组图

《半人马的复仇》,1890年`Revenge of the Centaurs, 1890 by Benes Knupfer

《半人马的复仇》,1890年`Revenge of the Centaurs, 1890 by Benes Knupfer

伊丽莎白·雅顿`For Elizabeth Arden by Baron Adolph de Meyer

伊丽莎白·雅顿`For Elizabeth Arden by Baron Adolph de Meyer

穿着白色衣服的女孩,1920年`Girl in White, 1920 by Samuel John Peploe

穿着白色衣服的女孩,1920年`Girl in White, 1920 by Samuel John Peploe

基督和他的母亲学习圣经`Christ and His Mother Studying the Scripture by Henry Ossawa Tanner

基督和他的母亲学习圣经`Christ and His Mother Studying the Scripture by Henry Ossawa Tanner

麦当娜·拉伯里斯,1931年`Madonna Laboris, 1931 by Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich

麦当娜·拉伯里斯,1931年`Madonna Laboris, 1931 by Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich

舞蹈演员亚纳托娃`Dancer Janatova

舞蹈演员亚纳托娃`Dancer Janatova

穿着内衣的女人`Reclining Woman In Lingerie

穿着内衣的女人`Reclining Woman In Lingerie

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