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The girl from California by Helene Schjerfbeck

来自加利福尼亚州的女孩` The girl from California by Helene Schjerfbeck

十七岁`Age of Seventeen by Carl Larsson

十七岁`Age of Seventeen by Carl Larsson

基督和伊曼纽斯的朝圣者`Christ and the Pilgrims at Emmaus by Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret

基督和伊曼纽斯的朝圣者`Christ and the Pilgrims at Emmaus by Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret

罗得和他的女儿,1616年`Lot and his Daughters, 1616 by Hendrick Goltzius

罗得和他的女儿,1616年`Lot and his Daughters, 1616 by Hendrick Goltzius

在摄影师工作室举行婚礼`Wedding In The Photographer\’s Studio

在摄影师工作室举行婚礼`Wedding In The Photographer\’s Studio

一位特别辩护人,1893年`A Special Pleader, 1893 by Charles Burton Barber

一位特别辩护人,1893年`A Special Pleader, 1893 by Charles Burton Barber

葡萄牙伊莎贝拉肖像`Portrait of Isabella of Portugal

葡萄牙伊莎贝拉肖像`Portrait of Isabella of Portugal

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