当代中国人物画乱画丑画 组图

布林希尔德发现了西格兰和西格蒙德`The Revelation, Brynhild Discovering Siegland and Sigmund by Gaston Bussiere

布林希尔德发现了西格兰和西格蒙德`The Revelation, Brynhild Discovering Siegland and Sigmund by Gaston Bussiere

卢克雷蒂亚,1627年`Lucretia, 1627 by Artemisia Gentileschi

卢克雷蒂亚,1627年`Lucretia, 1627 by Artemisia Gentileschi

坐着的女人`Seated Woman by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

坐着的女人`Seated Woman by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

弗洛伦斯·西特纳姆·戴维,兰德尔·戴维夫人,1914年`Florence Sittenham Davey, Mrs. Randall Davey, 1914 by George Bellows

弗洛伦斯·西特纳姆·戴维,兰德尔·戴维夫人,1914年`Florence Sittenham Davey, Mrs. Randall Davey, 1914 by George Bellows

修女拉小提琴,1822-1903年`Nun Playing on a Violin, 1822-1903 by Friedrich Kaulbach

修女拉小提琴,1822-1903年`Nun Playing on a Violin, 1822-1903 by Friedrich Kaulbach

酒吧枪战`Saloon Shootout by Anton Otto Fischer

酒吧枪战`Saloon Shootout by Anton Otto Fischer

这位艺术家和他的家人`The Artist And His Family

这位艺术家和他的家人`The Artist And His Family

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