吴琴木人物画 组图

火车站`The Railway Station

火车站`The Railway Station

瓜达卢佩圣母`Virgin of Guadalupe by Antonio de Torres

瓜达卢佩圣母`Virgin of Guadalupe by Antonio de Torres

沙龙,1890年`The Salon, 1890 by Emile Bernard

沙龙,1890年`The Salon, 1890 by Emile Bernard

1390年圣母与六位天使的加冕礼`The Coronation of the Virgin with Six Angels, 1390 by Agnolo Gaddi

1390年圣母与六位天使的加冕礼`The Coronation of the Virgin with Six Angels, 1390 by Agnolo Gaddi

天文学寓言`Allegory of Astronomy by Paolo de Matteis

天文学寓言`Allegory of Astronomy by Paolo de Matteis

艺术家妻子的肖像`Portrait of the Artist\’s Wife by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

艺术家妻子的肖像`Portrait of the Artist\’s Wife by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

你看这是多么漂亮的一场比赛`Look what a pretty was by Julio Romero de Torres

你看这是多么漂亮的一场比赛`Look what a pretty was by Julio Romero de Torres

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