潘曾人物画 组图

年轻的乡绅`The young Squire by Heywood Hardy

年轻的乡绅`The young Squire by Heywood Hardy

圣母玛利亚和婴儿圣约翰浸信会`Madonna And Child With The Infant Saint John The Baptist

圣母玛利亚和婴儿圣约翰浸信会`Madonna And Child With The Infant Saint John The Baptist

奴隶市场,1866年`Slave Market, 1866 by Jean-Leon Gerome

奴隶市场,1866年`Slave Market, 1866 by Jean-Leon Gerome

弗雷德里克·米德夫人`Mrs Frederick Mead

弗雷德里克·米德夫人`Mrs Frederick Mead

牧羊人的崇拜`The Adoration of the Shepherds by The Le Nain Brothers

牧羊人的崇拜`The Adoration of the Shepherds by The Le Nain Brothers

一位老妇人在煮鸡蛋,1618年`An Old Woman Cooking Eggs, 1618 by Diego Velazquez

一位老妇人在煮鸡蛋,1618年`An Old Woman Cooking Eggs, 1618 by Diego Velazquez

田园风光,L\’Aimable田园,1762年`A Pastoral Scene, L\’Aimable Pastorale, 1762 by Francois Boucher

田园风光,L\’Aimable田园,1762年`A Pastoral Scene, L\’Aimable Pastorale, 1762 by Francois Boucher

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