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和日本粉丝抽烟斗的女孩`Girl Smoking Pipe With Japanese Fan

和日本粉丝抽烟斗的女孩`Girl Smoking Pipe With Japanese Fan

伊丽莎·里奇利,拿着竖琴的女士`Eliza Ridgely, Lady with a Harp by Thomas Sully

伊丽莎·里奇利,拿着竖琴的女士`Eliza Ridgely, Lady with a Harp by Thomas Sully

我们的悲伤女神,1883年`Our Lady of Sorrows, 1883 by Pedro Americo

我们的悲伤女神,1883年`Our Lady of Sorrows, 1883 by Pedro Americo

《圣母与孩子》,1670年`The Virgin and Child, 1670 by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

《圣母与孩子》,1670年`The Virgin and Child, 1670 by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

阿喀琉斯是狼人的女儿`Achilles Among the Daughters of Lycomedes

阿喀琉斯是狼人的女儿`Achilles Among the Daughters of Lycomedes

甜蜜的一瞥`A Sweet Glance

甜蜜的一瞥`A Sweet Glance

圣母玛利亚小时候睡着了1655年`The Virgin Mary as a Child, Asleep, 1655 by Francisco de Zurbaran

圣母玛利亚小时候睡着了1655年`The Virgin Mary as a Child, Asleep, 1655 by Francisco de Zurbaran

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