施光南人物画彩色 组图

基督和圣母在拿撒勒的房子里,1640年`Christ and the Virgin in the House at Nazareth, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

基督和圣母在拿撒勒的房子里,1640年`Christ and the Virgin in the House at Nazareth, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

麦当娜和孩子,大理石雕塑`Madonna and Child, Marble Sculpture by Michelangelo

麦当娜和孩子,大理石雕塑`Madonna and Child, Marble Sculpture by Michelangelo

《忧郁》,1757-1827年`Melancholy, 1757-1827 by William Blake

《忧郁》,1757-1827年`Melancholy, 1757-1827 by William Blake

红叶的欧内斯特·希尔斯太太`Mrs. Ernest Hills of Redleaf by John Singer Sargent

红叶的欧内斯特·希尔斯太太`Mrs. Ernest Hills of Redleaf by John Singer Sargent

姐妹俩,约1869年`The Sisters, c. 1869 by Berthe Morisot

姐妹俩,约1869年`The Sisters, c. 1869 by Berthe Morisot

圣奥古斯丁基督与圣母之间,详图2`Saint Augustine Between Christ And The Virgin, Detail No.2 by Peter Paul Rubens

圣奥古斯丁基督与圣母之间,详图2`Saint Augustine Between Christ And The Virgin, Detail No.2 by Peter Paul Rubens

穿黄色连衣裙的女人`Woman In A Yellow Dress

穿黄色连衣裙的女人`Woman In A Yellow Dress

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