卡米尔手绘图片 组图

《拿着书的年轻女孩》,1906年`Young girl with a book, 1906 by Charles-Franois-Prosper Guerin

《拿着书的年轻女孩》,1906年`Young girl with a book, 1906 by Charles-Franois-Prosper Guerin

萨加莫尔和夫人`The Sagamore and the Lady by Howard Chandler Christy

萨加莫尔和夫人`The Sagamore and the Lady by Howard Chandler Christy

野猪狩猎`The Boar Hunt by Joseph Parrocel

野猪狩猎`The Boar Hunt by Joseph Parrocel

赛琳娜被阿格斯扔下`Selene thrown down by Argus by Ferdinand Keller

赛琳娜被阿格斯扔下`Selene thrown down by Argus by Ferdinand Keller

一位戴着水仙花的女士的肖像`Portrait of a Lady with Daffodil by Emile Eisman-Semenowsky

一位戴着水仙花的女士的肖像`Portrait of a Lady with Daffodil by Emile Eisman-Semenowsky

维珍修女图西亚`The Vestal Virgin Tuccia by Giovanni Battista Moroni

维珍修女图西亚`The Vestal Virgin Tuccia by Giovanni Battista Moroni

波斯大不里士的Caravenserai商业`Mercantile Caravenserai in Tabriz, Persia by Jules Laurens

波斯大不里士的Caravenserai商业`Mercantile Caravenserai in Tabriz, Persia by Jules Laurens

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