一格风景画 组图

马恩河上的星期天`Sunday on the Marne by William Glackens

马恩河上的星期天`Sunday on the Marne by William Glackens

谷仓里的魔术师`The Magician In The Barn

谷仓里的魔术师`The Magician In The Barn

艺术家的嫂子阿黛尔的肖像`Portrait of the Artist\’s Sister-in-Law, Adele by Egon Schiele

艺术家的嫂子阿黛尔的肖像`Portrait of the Artist\’s Sister-in-Law, Adele by Egon Schiele

绿色多米诺骨牌`The Green Domino

绿色多米诺骨牌`The Green Domino

塞维利亚棕榈周日`Palm Sunday in Seville by Jose Garcia Ramos

塞维利亚棕榈周日`Palm Sunday in Seville by Jose Garcia Ramos

阿尔及利亚女孩`Algerian Girl

阿尔及利亚女孩`Algerian Girl

一位普埃布拉本地人的肖像,带着一束玫瑰`Portrait of a Native Puebla Native with a Bouquet of Roses

一位普埃布拉本地人的肖像,带着一束玫瑰`Portrait of a Native Puebla Native with a Bouquet of Roses

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