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沃尔顿在失败者身上`Walton on the Naze by Ford Madox Brown

沃尔顿在失败者身上`Walton on the Naze by Ford Madox Brown

玩笑`The Tease

玩笑`The Tease

圣约翰浸礼会,1507年`Saint John the Baptist, 1507 by Leonardo da Vinci

圣约翰浸礼会,1507年`Saint John the Baptist, 1507 by Leonardo da Vinci

瓜达卢佩夫人,1780年`Lady of Guadalupe, 1780 by Sebastian Zalcedo

瓜达卢佩夫人,1780年`Lady of Guadalupe, 1780 by Sebastian Zalcedo

丘比特与灵魂之屋`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche by Giulio Romano

丘比特与灵魂之屋`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche by Giulio Romano

一首老歌`An Old Song by Edwin Austin Abbey

一首老歌`An Old Song by Edwin Austin Abbey

风暴之魂,雨与雷雨之魂,1900年`The Storm Spirits, spirits of Rain and Thunderclouds, 1900 by Evelyn De Morgan

风暴之魂,雨与雷雨之魂,1900年`The Storm Spirits, spirits of Rain and Thunderclouds, 1900 by Evelyn De Morgan

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