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在教室里`In the Schoolroom by Charles Sillem Lidderdale

在教室里`In the Schoolroom by Charles Sillem Lidderdale

服装的选择`The choice of the costume by Georges Croegaert

服装的选择`The choice of the costume by Georges Croegaert

圣安妮和婴儿施洗约翰的神圣家庭,1595-1600年`The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant John the Baptist, 1595-1600 by El Greco

圣安妮和婴儿施洗约翰的神圣家庭,1595-1600年`The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant John the Baptist, 1595-1600 by El Greco

玛丽崇拜这个孩子`Mary Worshiping the Child by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

玛丽崇拜这个孩子`Mary Worshiping the Child by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

女奴`The slave girl by Charles Wilda

女奴`The slave girl by Charles Wilda

三个戴黄色草帽的女孩`Three Girls in Yellow Straw Hats

三个戴黄色草帽的女孩`Three Girls in Yellow Straw Hats

奥达利斯克,肖像,1870年`Odalisque, Portrait, 1870 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

奥达利斯克,肖像,1870年`Odalisque, Portrait, 1870 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

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