高清大师工笔现代人物画 组图

玛丽和伊丽莎白的来访`The Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld

玛丽和伊丽莎白的来访`The Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld

死亡与少女`Death and Maiden by George Clark Stanton

死亡与少女`Death and Maiden by George Clark Stanton

老渔夫的妻子`An Old Fisherman\’s Wife by Anna Ancher

老渔夫的妻子`An Old Fisherman\’s Wife by Anna Ancher

华尔兹,1893年`Waltz, 1893 by Felix Vallotton

华尔兹,1893年`Waltz, 1893 by Felix Vallotton

西蒙和佩罗,罗马慈善机构`Cimon and Pero, Roman Charity by Peter Paul Rubens

西蒙和佩罗,罗马慈善机构`Cimon and Pero, Roman Charity by Peter Paul Rubens

伊丽莎白·廷贝尔比夫人和她的妹妹`Lady Elizabeth Thimbelby and her Sister by Anthony van Dyck

伊丽莎白·廷贝尔比夫人和她的妹妹`Lady Elizabeth Thimbelby and her Sister by Anthony van Dyck

圣母的假设`The Assumption of the Virgin by Juan Rodriguez Juarez

圣母的假设`The Assumption of the Virgin by Juan Rodriguez Juarez

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