中国功夫人物画 组图

在教室里`In the Schoolroom by Charles Sillem Lidderdale

在教室里`In the Schoolroom by Charles Sillem Lidderdale

《通告》,1472年`The Annunciation, 1472 by Leonardo Da Vinci

《通告》,1472年`The Annunciation, 1472 by Leonardo Da Vinci

蓝色贝雷帽`The blue Beret by Harold Harvey

蓝色贝雷帽`The blue Beret by Harold Harvey

1880-1881年划船派对午餐`Luncheon of the Boating Party, 1880-81 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

1880-1881年划船派对午餐`Luncheon of the Boating Party, 1880-81 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

圣露西,1625-1630年`Saint Lucy, 1625-1630 by Francisco de Zurbaran

圣露西,1625-1630年`Saint Lucy, 1625-1630 by Francisco de Zurbaran

一个不为人知的女人的肖像`Portrait of an Unknow Woman by Jan Toorop

一个不为人知的女人的肖像`Portrait of an Unknow Woman by Jan Toorop

有翅膀的人物,天使,1911年`A Winged Figure, Angel, 1911 by Abbott Handerson Thayer

有翅膀的人物,天使,1911年`A Winged Figure, Angel, 1911 by Abbott Handerson Thayer

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