手绘水果图片简单又漂亮 组图

戴珍珠耳环的女孩,1632-1675年`Girl with a Pearl Earring, 1632-1675 by 维米尔

戴珍珠耳环的女孩,1632-1675年`Girl with a Pearl Earring, 1632-1675 by 维米尔

年金,1450-1455年`The Annucation, 1450-1455 by Fra Angelico

年金,1450-1455年`The Annucation, 1450-1455 by Fra Angelico

相信我,一个小女孩在一只大狗的鼻子上放了一个糖块`Trust, A Little Girl place a Sugarlump on the Nose of a Large Dog by Charles Burton Barber

相信我,一个小女孩在一只大狗的鼻子上放了一个糖块`Trust, A Little Girl place a Sugarlump on the Nose of a Large Dog by Charles Burton Barber

在酒馆里`In The Tavern

在酒馆里`In The Tavern

阿斯伯里公园`Asbury Park

阿斯伯里公园`Asbury Park

坚果色女仆`The Nut Brown Maid by Joseph Edward Southall

坚果色女仆`The Nut Brown Maid by Joseph Edward Southall

一个女人的肖像`Portrait of a Women by Asta Norregaard

一个女人的肖像`Portrait of a Women by Asta Norregaard

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