洛阳李良人物画 组图

奥托·马斯特兰德的两个女儿及其保姆的肖像`Portrait of Otto Marstrand\’s Two Daughter and their Nanny by Nicolai Wilhelm Marstrant

奥托·马斯特兰德的两个女儿及其保姆的肖像`Portrait of Otto Marstrand\’s Two Daughter and their Nanny by Nicolai Wilhelm Marstrant

The Girl in the North (ca. 1939)  by Paul Klee

北部的女孩` The Girl in the North (ca. 1939) by Paul Klee

大树,1891年`The Large Tree, 1891 by Paul Gauguin

大树,1891年`The Large Tree, 1891 by Paul Gauguin

在布列塔尼`In Brittany  by Pierre-Auguste Renior

在布列塔尼`In Brittany by Pierre-Auguste Renior

布鲁日的麦当娜`Madonna of Bruges by Michelangelo Buonarroti

布鲁日的麦当娜`Madonna of Bruges by Michelangelo Buonarroti

萨克森州的玛丽亚·阿马利亚,西班牙王后`Maria Amalia Of Saxony, Queen Consort Of Spain

萨克森州的玛丽亚·阿马利亚,西班牙王后`Maria Amalia Of Saxony, Queen Consort Of Spain

随机的客人`Random Guests

随机的客人`Random Guests

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