钱慧安山水人物画 组图

1898年,一位拿着吉他的西班牙年轻女子`Young Spanish Woman with a Guitar, 1898 by Auguste Renoir

1898年,一位拿着吉他的西班牙年轻女子`Young Spanish Woman with a Guitar, 1898 by Auguste Renoir

《半人马的复仇》,1890年`Revenge of the Centaurs, 1890 by Benes Knupfer

《半人马的复仇》,1890年`Revenge of the Centaurs, 1890 by Benes Knupfer

1886年的《逆流》`Undertow, 1886 by Winslow Homer

1886年的《逆流》`Undertow, 1886 by Winslow Homer

《玫瑰圣母》,1903年`The Madonna of the Roses, 1903 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

《玫瑰圣母》,1903年`The Madonna of the Roses, 1903 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

弗拉基米尔上帝之母`Vladimir Mother of God by Russian Icon

弗拉基米尔上帝之母`Vladimir Mother of God by Russian Icon

高地家族`The Highland Family

高地家族`The Highland Family

坐在藤椅上`Sitting in a Cane Chair by Vincent van Gogh

坐在藤椅上`Sitting in a Cane Chair by Vincent van Gogh

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