用四开纸画的动漫人物画 组图

祈祷中的麦当娜`Madonna in Prayer by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

祈祷中的麦当娜`Madonna in Prayer by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

花束`The Bouquet by Felix Vallotton

花束`The Bouquet by Felix Vallotton

《竖琴夫人》,伊丽莎·里奇利,约1818年`Lady with a Harp, Eliza Ridgely, c. 1818 by Thomas Sully

《竖琴夫人》,伊丽莎·里奇利,约1818年`Lady with a Harp, Eliza Ridgely, c. 1818 by Thomas Sully

独角兽在花园里休息`The Unicorn Rests in a Garden by Netherlandish School

独角兽在花园里休息`The Unicorn Rests in a Garden by Netherlandish School

微笑吧,即使很痛`Smile, Even if it Hurts by Harrison Fisher

微笑吧,即使很痛`Smile, Even if it Hurts by Harrison Fisher

我妹妹Ettie Stettheimer的肖像`Portrait of My Sister, Ettie Stettheimer by Florine Stettheimer

我妹妹Ettie Stettheimer的肖像`Portrait of My Sister, Ettie Stettheimer by Florine Stettheimer

圣母与圣子,书中的圣母`The Virgin and Child, The Madonna of the Book by Sandro Botticelli

圣母与圣子,书中的圣母`The Virgin and Child, The Madonna of the Book by Sandro Botticelli

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