赵永夫老师人物画 组图

Little girl’s head (1920)  by Tadeusz Makowski

小女孩的头` Little girl’s head (1920) by Tadeusz Makowski

安妮·艾米莉·索菲亚·格兰特`Anne Emily Sophia Grant by Francis Grant

安妮·艾米莉·索菲亚·格兰特`Anne Emily Sophia Grant by Francis Grant



在森林里读书的女人`Woman Reading In A Forest

在森林里读书的女人`Woman Reading In A Forest

爱与礼貌之神安格斯·奥格,给海洋带来了夏日的宁静`Angus Og, God of Love and Courtesy, Putting a Spell of Summer Calm on the Sea by John Duncan

爱与礼貌之神安格斯·奥格,给海洋带来了夏日的宁静`Angus Og, God of Love and Courtesy, Putting a Spell of Summer Calm on the Sea by John Duncan

《弗洛拉与西风》,1802年`Flora and Zephyr, 1802 by Francois Gerard

《弗洛拉与西风》,1802年`Flora and Zephyr, 1802 by Francois Gerard

《熨衣服的女人》,1876年`Woman Ironing, 1876 by Edgar Degas

《熨衣服的女人》,1876年`Woman Ironing, 1876 by Edgar Degas

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