女滑雪人物画欣赏 组图

Dutch Lady with Tulips by Paul Berthon

荷兰夫人用郁金香` Dutch Lady with Tulips by Paul Berthon

维斯塔贞女`Vestal Virgins by Jose Rico Cejudo

维斯塔贞女`Vestal Virgins by Jose Rico Cejudo

一个头巾的妇女由Georges Lepape`
Woman in a Turban (1911)  by Georges Lepape

一个头巾的妇女由Georges Lepape` Woman in a Turban (1911) by Georges Lepape

迟钝的格雷特,疯狂的梅格`Dull Gret, Mad Meg by Pieter Bruegel

迟钝的格雷特,疯狂的梅格`Dull Gret, Mad Meg by Pieter Bruegel

死亡杯,1911年`The Cup of Death, 1911 by Elihu Vedder

死亡杯,1911年`The Cup of Death, 1911 by Elihu Vedder

耶弗他女儿的牺牲`The Sacrifice of Jephthah\’s Daughter by William Blake

耶弗他女儿的牺牲`The Sacrifice of Jephthah\’s Daughter by William Blake

马丁卡普伦鹿`Marthine Cappelen Hjort

马丁卡普伦鹿`Marthine Cappelen Hjort

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