当代网友的人物画 组图

带花的年轻女孩`Young girl with flowers by Harrington Mann

带花的年轻女孩`Young girl with flowers by Harrington Mann



貂`The Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci

貂`The Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci

堪萨斯州的拓荒者`Pioneers in Kansas by Ward Lockwood

堪萨斯州的拓荒者`Pioneers in Kansas by Ward Lockwood

给多萝西·帕克小姐的黑帽子`The Black Hat – Miss Dorothy Parker

给多萝西·帕克小姐的黑帽子`The Black Hat – Miss Dorothy Parker

带着香烟的吉普赛人`Gypsy with a Cigarette

带着香烟的吉普赛人`Gypsy with a Cigarette

Camille (The Woman in the Green Dress) (1866)  by Claude Monet

Camille(绿色衣服的女人)` Camille (The Woman in the Green Dress) (1866) by Claude Monet

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