人物画简笔敖丙 组图

岸上的船`Boats on the Shore by Joaquin Sorolla

岸上的船`Boats on the Shore by Joaquin Sorolla

小编织工`The Little Knitter by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

小编织工`The Little Knitter by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

维纳斯与爱神`Venus and Amor by Hans Baldung Grien

维纳斯与爱神`Venus and Amor by Hans Baldung Grien

《欲望与满足》,1893年`The Desire and the Satisfaction, 1893 by Jan Toorop

《欲望与满足》,1893年`The Desire and the Satisfaction, 1893 by Jan Toorop

夜市`The Night Market by Petrus van Schendel

夜市`The Night Market by Petrus van Schendel

1838年,穆里洛在塞维利亚的方济各修道院为圣母画像`Murillo Painting the Virgin in the Franciscan Convent at Seville, 1838 by John Frederick Lewis

1838年,穆里洛在塞维利亚的方济各修道院为圣母画像`Murillo Painting the Virgin in the Franciscan Convent at Seville, 1838 by John Frederick Lewis

沉睡的吉普赛人`The Sleeping Gypsy

沉睡的吉普赛人`The Sleeping Gypsy

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