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玛格丽特·海伦·索尔比,又名海伦·索尔比`Margaret Helen Sowerby, known as Helen Sowerby by James Guthrie

玛格丽特·海伦·索尔比,又名海伦·索尔比`Margaret Helen Sowerby, known as Helen Sowerby by James Guthrie

牛奶汤`Milk Soup

牛奶汤`Milk Soup

1674年,路易十四在凡尔赛宫接待了《大孔德》`Reception of Le Grand Conde by Louis XIV at Versailles in 1674 by Jean-Leon Gerome

1674年,路易十四在凡尔赛宫接待了《大孔德》`Reception of Le Grand Conde by Louis XIV at Versailles in 1674 by Jean-Leon Gerome

教皇格雷戈里十六世在苏比亚克参观圣贝内代托教堂`Pope Gregory XVI Vistiting the Church of San Benedetto at Subiac

教皇格雷戈里十六世在苏比亚克参观圣贝内代托教堂`Pope Gregory XVI Vistiting the Church of San Benedetto at Subiac

约瑟芬针织`Josephine Knitting by Edmund Tarbell

约瑟芬针织`Josephine Knitting by Edmund Tarbell

Reclining girl (1926)  by Georges Valmier

衰落女孩` Reclining girl (1926) by Georges Valmier

塞斯蒂利亚`Cestilia by John William Godward

塞斯蒂利亚`Cestilia by John William Godward

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