西双版纳人物画 组图

《干树的圣母》,1465年`The Virgin of the dry Tree, 1465 by Petrus Christus

《干树的圣母》,1465年`The Virgin of the dry Tree, 1465 by Petrus Christus

橙皮园`Garden Hesperides

橙皮园`Garden Hesperides

赞美圣母`Glorification of the Virgin by Geertgen tot Sint Jans

赞美圣母`Glorification of the Virgin by Geertgen tot Sint Jans

《通告》,1508-1519年`The Annunciation, 1508-1519 by Juan de Flandes

《通告》,1508-1519年`The Annunciation, 1508-1519 by Juan de Flandes

火光旋转`Spinning By Firelight

火光旋转`Spinning By Firelight

午餐`A Luncheon

午餐`A Luncheon

带来咖啡的突尼斯女孩卡迪亚`Kadija the Tunisian Girl Bringing Coffee by Hermann Katsch

带来咖啡的突尼斯女孩卡迪亚`Kadija the Tunisian Girl Bringing Coffee by Hermann Katsch

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