水墨山海经异兽录图片手绘 组图

夜间参拜神社的妇女`Woman Visiting the Shrine at Night

夜间参拜神社的妇女`Woman Visiting the Shrine at Night

老妇人祈祷`Old Woman Praying

老妇人祈祷`Old Woman Praying

圣母玛利亚和圣约翰的孩子`Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist by John Trumbull

圣母玛利亚和圣约翰的孩子`Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist by John Trumbull

《神圣家庭》,1805年`The Holy Family, 1805 by William Blake

《神圣家庭》,1805年`The Holy Family, 1805 by William Blake

希望和幸福的寓言`Allegory of Hope and Happiness by Niccolo Ricciolini

希望和幸福的寓言`Allegory of Hope and Happiness by Niccolo Ricciolini

奈德家族,1881年`The Naiads, 1881 by Gioacchino Pagliei

奈德家族,1881年`The Naiads, 1881 by Gioacchino Pagliei

祝福甜瓜,1918年`Blessing the Melon, 1918 by Marsden Hartley

祝福甜瓜,1918年`Blessing the Melon, 1918 by Marsden Hartley

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