卢西恩弗洛伊德肖像画习作 组图

Girl from Nordland (1932)  by Edvard Munch

来自Nordland的女孩` Girl from Nordland (1932) by Edvard Munch

蒙特卡洛`Monte Carlo by Christian Zacho

蒙特卡洛`Monte Carlo by Christian Zacho

在慕尼黑霍夫劳豪斯`In The Munich Hofbrauhaus

在慕尼黑霍夫劳豪斯`In The Munich Hofbrauhaus

基科斯的维珍·埃利奥萨,1668年`Virgin Eleousa of Kykkos, 1668 by Simon Ushakov

基科斯的维珍·埃利奥萨,1668年`Virgin Eleousa of Kykkos, 1668 by Simon Ushakov

生命的滴滴,香巴拉`Drops of Life, Shambhala by Nicholas Roerich

生命的滴滴,香巴拉`Drops of Life, Shambhala by Nicholas Roerich

Eugenie Huici Arguedas de Errazuriz肖像`Portrait of Eugenie Huici Arguedas de Errazuriz

Eugenie Huici Arguedas de Errazuriz肖像`Portrait of Eugenie Huici Arguedas de Errazuriz

寓言少女`Allegorical Maiden by George Dunlop Leslie

寓言少女`Allegorical Maiden by George Dunlop Leslie

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