女主看到男主画她的肖像画 组图

狂热的殉道者,1895年`The Martyr of Fanaticism, 1895 by Jose de Brito

狂热的殉道者,1895年`The Martyr of Fanaticism, 1895 by Jose de Brito

圣母杯`Madonna with Chalice by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

圣母杯`Madonna with Chalice by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

狩猎的早晨`A hunting morn by Heywood Hardy

狩猎的早晨`A hunting morn by Heywood Hardy

诺曼底的确认人`A Confirmee in Normandy by Elisabeth Keyser

诺曼底的确认人`A Confirmee in Normandy by Elisabeth Keyser

沙子和天空`Sand And Sky

沙子和天空`Sand And Sky

Cottages with a Woman Working in the Middle Ground (1890)  by Vincent van Gogh

别墅与女人在中间地面工作` Cottages with a Woman Working in the Middle Ground (1890) by Vincent van Gogh

《魔鬼的话》,1892年`Words of the Devil, 1892 by Paul Gauguin

《魔鬼的话》,1892年`Words of the Devil, 1892 by Paul Gauguin

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