儿童模仿名人肖像画 组图

看着伏尔加河`Looking At The Volga

看着伏尔加河`Looking At The Volga

战后`After The Battle

战后`After The Battle

乐团`A Musical Group by Francois-Joseph Navez

乐团`A Musical Group by Francois-Joseph Navez

安德烈戴着帽子在看书`Andree in a Hat, Reading by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

安德烈戴着帽子在看书`Andree in a Hat, Reading by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

基督与撒马利亚女人,1940年`Christ and the Woman of Samaria, 1940 by Horace Pippin

基督与撒马利亚女人,1940年`Christ and the Woman of Samaria, 1940 by Horace Pippin

寓言少女`Allegorical Maiden by George Dunlop Leslie

寓言少女`Allegorical Maiden by George Dunlop Leslie

闭上眼睛`Closed Eyes by Odilon Redon

闭上眼睛`Closed Eyes by Odilon Redon

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