淡紫色夕阳水彩画 组图

将圣凯瑟琳的遗体抬到西奈山的天使`Angels Bearing the Body of Saint Catherine to Mount Sinai by Old Master

将圣凯瑟琳的遗体抬到西奈山的天使`Angels Bearing the Body of Saint Catherine to Mount Sinai by Old Master

古典美`A classical Beauty by Leon Comerre

古典美`A classical Beauty by Leon Comerre

路易丝喜欢爬到河边一座荒山上的山顶`Louise Loved to Climb to the Summit on one of the Barren Hills Flanking the River by Newell Convers Wyeth

路易丝喜欢爬到河边一座荒山上的山顶`Louise Loved to Climb to the Summit on one of the Barren Hills Flanking the River by Newell Convers Wyeth

一个拿着一本音乐书的女人的肖像`Portrait of a Woman with a Book of Music

一个拿着一本音乐书的女人的肖像`Portrait of a Woman with a Book of Music

夏天`Summer by Edward Atkinson Hornel

夏天`Summer by Edward Atkinson Hornel

加布里埃尔·塔皮·德塞莱兰博士,1894年`Doctor Gabriel Tapie de Celeyran, 1894 by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

加布里埃尔·塔皮·德塞莱兰博士,1894年`Doctor Gabriel Tapie de Celeyran, 1894 by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

林间空地`The Glade by Julius Leblanc Stewart

林间空地`The Glade by Julius Leblanc Stewart

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