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1918年的《公告》`The Annunciation, 1918 by Maurice Denis

1918年的《公告》`The Annunciation, 1918 by Maurice Denis

爱尔兰女孩`The Irish Girl

爱尔兰女孩`The Irish Girl

《热》,1919年绘制`Heat, Painted in 1919 by Florine Stettheimer

《热》,1919年绘制`Heat, Painted in 1919 by Florine Stettheimer

在海边喝茶`Taking Tea in the Haren by Rudolf Ernst

在海边喝茶`Taking Tea in the Haren by Rudolf Ernst

丘比特和普赛克在婚礼的凉亭里,1793年`Cupid and Psyche in the Nuptial Bower, 1793 by Hugh Douglas Hamilton

丘比特和普赛克在婚礼的凉亭里,1793年`Cupid and Psyche in the Nuptial Bower, 1793 by Hugh Douglas Hamilton

两个吉普赛人`Two Gypsies by Francisco Iturrino

两个吉普赛人`Two Gypsies by Francisco Iturrino

Bending Woman With Head Bowed And Crossed Hands (1918)  by Egon Schiele

弯曲的女人头鞠躬和横渡的手` Bending Woman With Head Bowed And Crossed Hands (1918) by Egon Schiele

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