天道酬勤竖风景画 组图

《牧羊人的崇拜》,1764-1765年`The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1764-1765 by Anton Raphael Mengs

《牧羊人的崇拜》,1764-1765年`The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1764-1765 by Anton Raphael Mengs

1766年,圣史蒂芬和其他三位圣徒面前出现的《荣耀中的麦当娜和孩子》`Madonna and Child in Glory appearing to St Stephen and three other Saints, 1766 by Corrado Giaquinto

1766年,圣史蒂芬和其他三位圣徒面前出现的《荣耀中的麦当娜和孩子》`Madonna and Child in Glory appearing to St Stephen and three other Saints, 1766 by Corrado Giaquinto

箭领和衬衫,1912年`Arrow Collars and Shirts, 1912 by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

箭领和衬衫,1912年`Arrow Collars and Shirts, 1912 by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

天启圣母`Virgin of the Apocalypse by Miguel Cabrera

天启圣母`Virgin of the Apocalypse by Miguel Cabrera

奥菲莉亚,1895年`Ophelia, 1895 by Paul Albert Steck

奥菲莉亚,1895年`Ophelia, 1895 by Paul Albert Steck

索尔和恩多女巫,1777年`Saul and Witch of Endor, 1777 by Benjamin West

索尔和恩多女巫,1777年`Saul and Witch of Endor, 1777 by Benjamin West

面包师和他的妻子`The Baker And His Wife by Jan Steen

面包师和他的妻子`The Baker And His Wife by Jan Steen

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