画玻璃上的雨滴水彩画 组图

圣彼得的否认`The Denial of St Peter

圣彼得的否认`The Denial of St Peter

镜子前的女人`Woman before the Mirror by Ellen Emmet Rand

镜子前的女人`Woman before the Mirror by Ellen Emmet Rand

金鱼`The Goldfish by William Stephen Coleman

金鱼`The Goldfish by William Stephen Coleman

菲尔普斯·斯托克斯先生和夫人`Mr And Mrs I N Phelps Stokes

菲尔普斯·斯托克斯先生和夫人`Mr And Mrs I N Phelps Stokes

1893年7月`An Idyll, 1893 by Albert Joseph Moore

1893年7月`An Idyll, 1893 by Albert Joseph Moore

萨加莫尔和夫人`The Sagamore and the Lady by Howard Chandler Christy

萨加莫尔和夫人`The Sagamore and the Lady by Howard Chandler Christy

亚当和夏娃`Adam and Eve

亚当和夏娃`Adam and Eve

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