清明手抄报水彩画获奖 组图

拿着一篮玫瑰的年轻漂亮女人`Young beautiful woman with a basket of roses by Federico Andreotti

拿着一篮玫瑰的年轻漂亮女人`Young beautiful woman with a basket of roses by Federico Andreotti

优雅的美人`An Elegant Beauty

优雅的美人`An Elegant Beauty

森林盛会,1862年`A Woodland Fete, 1862 by Adolphe Monticelli

森林盛会,1862年`A Woodland Fete, 1862 by Adolphe Monticelli

爱与礼貌之神安格斯·奥格,给海洋带来了夏日的宁静`Angus Og, God of Love and Courtesy, Putting a Spell of Summer Calm on the Sea by John Duncan

爱与礼貌之神安格斯·奥格,给海洋带来了夏日的宁静`Angus Og, God of Love and Courtesy, Putting a Spell of Summer Calm on the Sea by John Duncan

在巴黎郊区`In the Outskirts of Paris

在巴黎郊区`In the Outskirts of Paris

心欲`The Heart Desires by Edward Burne-Jones

心欲`The Heart Desires by Edward Burne-Jones

水车`The Water Carrier by Francisco Goya

水车`The Water Carrier by Francisco Goya

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