外国水彩画技法 组图

《通知》,1540年`The Annunciation, 1540 by Girolamo da Santacroce

《通知》,1540年`The Annunciation, 1540 by Girolamo da Santacroce

拉拉小姐在马戏团费尔南多,1879年`Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando, 1879 by Edgar Degas

拉拉小姐在马戏团费尔南多,1879年`Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando, 1879 by Edgar Degas

玛格丽特·斯图伊文森特·卢瑟福·怀特肖像`Portrait of Margaret Stuyvesant Rutherfurd White by John Singer Sargent

玛格丽特·斯图伊文森特·卢瑟福·怀特肖像`Portrait of Margaret Stuyvesant Rutherfurd White by John Singer Sargent

朱丽叶亲吻她的护士`Juliet Kissing her Nurse by Francesco Hayez

朱丽叶亲吻她的护士`Juliet Kissing her Nurse by Francesco Hayez

显微镜`The Microscope

显微镜`The Microscope

三分之一景观中面向右侧的圣母的头部,1513年`The Head of the Virgin in Three-Quarter View Facing Right, 1513 by Leonardo da Vinci

三分之一景观中面向右侧的圣母的头部,1513年`The Head of the Virgin in Three-Quarter View Facing Right, 1513 by Leonardo da Vinci

小提琴手,1626年`The Violin Player, 1626 by Gerrit van Honthorst

小提琴手,1626年`The Violin Player, 1626 by Gerrit van Honthorst

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