黄庭坚手绘图片 组图

女裁缝`Woman Sewing by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

女裁缝`Woman Sewing by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

一位年轻的意大利女士坐在桌子旁`Young Italian Woman at a Table by Paul Cezanne

一位年轻的意大利女士坐在桌子旁`Young Italian Woman at a Table by Paul Cezanne

乘船抵达瑞典锡尔詹湖列克桑德教区教堂的教堂游客`Church Goers Arriving by Boat at the Parish Church of Leksand on Siljan Lake, Sweden by Wilhelm Marstrand

乘船抵达瑞典锡尔詹湖列克桑德教区教堂的教堂游客`Church Goers Arriving by Boat at the Parish Church of Leksand on Siljan Lake, Sweden by Wilhelm Marstrand

咖啡馆歌手`Cafe Singer

咖啡馆歌手`Cafe Singer

身着土耳其服装的法国玛丽亚·阿德莱德`Maria Adelaide of France in Turkish costume by Jean-Etienne Liotard

身着土耳其服装的法国玛丽亚·阿德莱德`Maria Adelaide of France in Turkish costume by Jean-Etienne Liotard

瓜达卢佩圣母,1771年`Virgin of Guadalupe, 1771 by Jose de Paez

瓜达卢佩圣母,1771年`Virgin of Guadalupe, 1771 by Jose de Paez

熟女,1880年`Sleeping Girl, 1880 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

熟女,1880年`Sleeping Girl, 1880 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

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