秋天的雨水彩画 组图

服装的选择`The choice of the costume by Georges Croegaert

服装的选择`The choice of the costume by Georges Croegaert

献祭,圣塞巴斯蒂安`Votive Offering, Saint Sebastian

献祭,圣塞巴斯蒂安`Votive Offering, Saint Sebastian

《柳树下》,1909年`Under the Willows, 1909 by Frederick Carl Frieseke

《柳树下》,1909年`Under the Willows, 1909 by Frederick Carl Frieseke

奥达利斯克,1870年`Odalisque, 1870 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

奥达利斯克,1870年`Odalisque, 1870 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

在酒吧练习的舞者`Dancers Practicing At The Barre

在酒吧练习的舞者`Dancers Practicing At The Barre

保罗和佛朗西斯科`Paolo and Francesca by Pierre Claude Francois Delorme

保罗和佛朗西斯科`Paolo and Francesca by Pierre Claude Francois Delorme

象牙笛`The ivory flute by Edouard-Marie-Guillaume Dubufe

象牙笛`The ivory flute by Edouard-Marie-Guillaume Dubufe

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