当英雄骑马过河时,女士在听一个秘密。1 (2013) by Wei Ligang 魏立刚

Lady listening a secret while the hero rides the horse across the river. 1 (2013)

材质 :Ink and acrylic on rice paper 尺寸 :117 × 88 cm Painting

当英雄骑马过河时,女士在听一个秘密。1 (2013)-Wei Ligang 魏立刚(Chinese, b. 1964)

英文名称:Lady listening a secret while the hero rides the horse across the river. 1 (2013)-Wei Ligang 魏立刚

搜索 当英雄骑马过河时,女士在听一个秘密。1 (2013) by Wei Ligang 魏立刚 高清下载

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