一对法国金装燧石手枪,枪管和锁均为镂空镀金,具有展示质量(约1800) by Vigniat à Marseille

A Pair of French Gold-Mounted Flintlock Holster Pistols with Chiselled and Gilt Barrels and Locks, of Presentation Quality (ca. 1800)

材质 :Wood, steel, silver and gold 尺寸 :50.3 cm Design\\\\u002FDecorative Art

一对法国金装燧石手枪,枪管和锁均为镂空镀金,具有展示质量(约1800)-马赛的维吉尼亚(French, active c. 1800)

英文名称:A Pair of French Gold-Mounted Flintlock Holster Pistols with Chiselled and Gilt Barrels and Locks, of Presentation Quality (ca. 1800)-Vigniat à Marseille

搜索 一对法国金装燧石手枪,枪管和锁均为镂空镀金,具有展示质量(约1800) by Vigniat à Marseille 高清下载

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