全长高级定制礼服,大腿高开缝,长袖,船形领口和一系列亮片从礼服上层叠而下。苹果色。艾玛·斯通在2015年第87届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上的着装 – 埃利萨博

Full Length Haute Couture Gown with Thigh High Slit, Long Sleeves, Boat Neckline and a Burst of Sequins Cascading Down the Gown. In Apple colour. Worn by Emma Stone at the 87th Academy Awards, 2015-Elie-Saab

Full Length Haute Couture Gown with Thigh High Slit, Long Sleeves, Boat Neckline and a Burst of Sequins Cascading Down the Gown. In Apple colour. Worn by Emma Stone at the 87th Academy Awards, 2015-Elie-Saab

搜索 全长高级定制礼服,大腿高开缝,长袖,船形领口和一系列亮片从礼服上层叠而下。苹果色。艾玛·斯通在2015年第87届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上的着装 – 埃利萨博 高清下载

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