万物的终结`The End of All Things by Maximilian Pirner

AF-The End of All Things

图片文件尺寸: 8600×6488 px


-Maximilian Pirner (1854-1924) was a Czech painter. He was a member of the Vienna Secession, and associated with the Mánes Union of Fine Arts.
Pirner\’s usual themes were classical mythology (such as his Medusa (1891) and Hecate (or Hekate) (1901)) and the macabre (such as Sleepwalker (or Girl in Her Nightie Walks on the Window-Ledge) (1878), Daemon Love (1893), and Allegory of Death (1895)). Pirner completed a number of sketches of female figures, many of them nudes. He also did stained glass windows and medals.

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