让我们的美国红十字会在和平中如同在战争中一样世界上最伟大的母亲`Make our American Red Cross in peace as in war, The greatest mother in the world (1919) by Alonzo Earl Foringer

~Make our 美国艺术家 Red Cross in peace as in war, The greatest mother in the world (1919) -

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Make our 美国艺术家 Red Cross in peace as in war, The greatest mother in the world (1919) –Alonzo Earl Foringer (美国艺术家, 1878 – 1948)

搜索 让我们的美国红十字会在和平中如同在战争中一样世界上最伟大的母亲`Make our American Red Cross in peace as in war, The greatest mother in the world (1919) by Alonzo Earl Foringer 高清下载

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